PVC & Aeon Liners for Water Tanks
With the unseasonable weather conditions water storage in Australia is an extremely high priority, therefore containment methods must be matched with quality materials.
- Manufactured from high quality flexible sheeting.
- Made in Australia by Poolsavers.
- Approved for ‘potable water’ use by the Australian Water Quality Center (passes AS4020(Int)-1994).
- Welded and fabricated.
- Easy to transport and install.
- Available in either 0.50m or 0.75mm gauges.
- Durable and puncture resistant.
- Quality and reputation the customer can rely upon.
- Approval is vital to protect consumers of the water.
- Reduces the cost of tanks and improves the quality of the finished product.
- Reduces the cost of installation and the risk of damage.
- Gauges to suit the application to optimise the cost/performance equation.